Prayers to you

  Let my life  b  an accumaltion  of words of Prayers. May d words make sense to Him and Him alone . Like  the jabberings of a tender child with sounds and syllables that seem to fill d void  and fill the heart of a Mother who understands all that the child utters .

Let my utterrings and mutterings  b audible  n sensible  to You and let that create ripples n manifest in this dimension.

O Lord  my Babaji my Guru   i adhere to your order and thus create my feelings into karma and let every parched heart seep into it and drink the nectar n  drench its soul  in it .

 I  am a commoner , solitude loving  heart but You my Lord  my Guru You woke me out of my spiritual slumber and domain and  lovingly messaged me to do what a soul can do for all the fellow beings on the similar path. 

 You messaged me to write, to express ,to convey that which i hold so dear .. your thoughts  ,talking to you, conversations with you .

 ( Ishan bhaiyah words are words of My GuruDeva)

You said  emotions are a waste if not converted into  karma ..Times are such that emotions for the Guru must flow into a manifested river  for all to thrive , learn , and find words  to express their emotions for The Guru.

I fear rejection,that alone is a sign of ego,

I create excuses, i under estimate the powers a commoner like me holds. 

But your call made me wake up and it is definitely  Your grace , My lord My guru,

That ....i am able to express with  such words, far far away from my human qualifications and  capacities .

....The vanishing of fear , ego and timidness is..

 Your Grace  O Divine Guru ...Jai  Guru ..mere Guru Mahan .. cant you see.. ??

Ýou make the most timid 

 Most scared  most powerless

 Most spineless most wordless.

The most talented and eloquent 

 Your Grace  flows like relentless 

Flow of Juicy words ,

 Your Mercy opens the hearts

 of the most dumb and You let the 

Sanjeevani flow to express and make 

understand  the Divine stream that is downpouring from Your kindest of Hearts

So oblivious of all divine forms ,  i  focus on the One and only form i have been acquainted  with , i call upon my Guru  O Guru, O my Lord , O Palanhara, O Swami , O babaji Saheb , 

Om Siddha Tatpurushay vidmahe

MahaGuru devaya dhimahi

Tanno Siddha prachodayat.

Om let me meditate on the  Great SiddhPurush,

O Greatest GuruDev

Give me the highest wisdom,

Let Siddha illuminate my mind .

I call upon Thee 

 आप  आए और  लिखे.  मुझे  वह दंड   बनाए  जिसमें आपकी  पताका  फहरे !

Make me the pole  that carries Your  flag of Love Name and Fame .

Om Guru Jai Guru

Nothing is mine ,O reader be not miraged

I carry out His will , for i have no power.

Namaha shivaya 


30 november 2020.

🙏Let all the praises be His and mistakes be  of this human form .

I pray we simply see the soul and omit the errorsof the human self🙏

